Friday, August 2, 2013

Right people at the wrong time

It has been an annual tradition of our  institution to celebrate Acquaintance party along with the induction of new set of officers for this school year.

(beautiful capture by Ian)

As for someone  whose thoughts are like mine, far different from regular people this sort of function is not for us. But as part of the whole, with my best effort I tried to pull myself together and enter the gymnasium with few of the people I know.  This is my third year attending this event and it’s all the same story; oath taking ceremony, meal time and what all the students screaming their throats out for, disco!

As the occasion went by, there again it began, as what happened two years ago. Wincing at the thought of that dreadful memory, I tried my level best to shake the feeling off but like a black-hole it pulled me slowly then just before I know it, fast enough consuming me all at once. And there I was while everyone else was on the dance floor, tears went streaming down on my face, make-up peeling; looking all washed up by the tide.  

One of the person who made my night was Roelyn. She didn't only dolled me up to look human enough but she was the first person to be there for me during my break down. She never left me until I begged her to be with her boyfriend because I don't want to deprive her the fun by just sitting and moping with me. It took about 5 minutes to please her and
tad magic words to finally send her off. I can never thank you enough Roe!

She's not only a wonderful friend but downright a talented dancer! 

After a while I had been sitting alone on the benches, I was surprised when Cherry, our department governor and a classmate, approached me to affirm how I was. She looked so worried and for the first time that night, my lips curled up in a genuine smile realizing someone was concerned of me. I never had anyone did this to me in years and I'm really grateful. But like Roelyn, I sent her off, telling her to enjoy the night.

To my friends, though you may not understand everything I am, thank you for being so patient with me. Many times I have pushed you away, thank you for choosing to stay. Goodness knows how long I had been **** if it weren't for you! I may not have chosen to disclose  about anything that could be, thank you for looking through behind the facade and comforting me. We might be friends for a short while but I am genuinely grateful to God for bringing you in my life. I can be half of the real me when I'm with you. I will never trade you for anything not even for a guy (as if someone would like me HAHAHA.  what a wishful thinking! XD)
I can never thank you enough for putting up with the mess I am.  You guys are a keeper and I love you! 
thank you for making this night a beautiful misadventure for me.

 Tonight we are young so let's set the world on fire we can burn brighter than the sun.

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