Sunday, August 11, 2013

Road to Acceptance >>

“Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” — Sonia Recotti

Saturday, August 3, 2013

60 seconds writing : Rocker

And even if everyday it’s there I still feel the same nostalgia running whenever I see it. All there’s left is this rocker with its bleak color as old as time. It even outlasted her. As I rock myself back and forth, memories come to life like an old roll of film playing backwards. I close my eyes as tears fall down. I miss her. No. I refuse to believe the rocker is all there is left. I have our memories. And as long as I have it, she lives. [...]

more of this on oneword. please add me up, I would be glad to be friends with you there :)

60 seconds writing : Shoulder

Even now every cell in my body still trembles in horror. “It’s a beautiful night” he said when I feel his warm, soft hands gently caressing my face reassuring me. My lip curls-up in a smile knowing I couldn’t be any safer than being beside him. Cold breeze brushes my face as I lean my head against his shoulder; I feel serenity. The night entirely blankets the sky with glinting stars hanging freely. I slowly closed my eyes until everything turned pitch black. It is beautiful night indeed.

more of this on oneword. please add me up, I would be glad to be friends with you there :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Right people at the wrong time

It has been an annual tradition of our  institution to celebrate Acquaintance party along with the induction of new set of officers for this school year.

(beautiful capture by Ian)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Kaliga Festival 2k13

I barely hear anything but the pitter-patter of the rain as it intensely dropped sweeping the gritty ground.  It has been raining for days already but I know it won’t be that long until it would bring to a halt. I don’t know why I just know because the 23rd of July is very special for all of us and eventually it did. Heaven looked down and smiled upon us parading the cheerful ambiance of the radiant sun replacing the heavy downpour.

It’s the 54th charter day of our wonderful city, Gingoog and the fascinating Kaliga festival is commemorated to embody the city’s charter anniversary. I smiled at the thought of the last time I witnessed this annual event as memories rushed back like an old roll of film running backwards. I had only watched it three times because the social outcast I am, I feel uncomfortable around the crowd.  Some of my friends who are going invited me so I decided not to mope around for a little change and tagged along with them. We arrived at around 2:20 or something just in time before the proper event started. I flinched looking at the hoard of people everywhere. Trying to calm myself I told my friends to look for a spot where we can see so tussling and  wriggling through the towering crowd off we went. 

(photo courtesy of Sir King Louie)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Not a Soul

A life covered in gloom
As how the night blankets the sky
Is there a hope this flower will bloom?
In a world of inequity, prudence, race!
Everyday a masquerade
Of courage and patience
Of strength and competence
Yet deep within weak and dying!
Can anybody hear me?
A reverberation of ample voices proclaiming
“Nobody you will ever be”!
A mast of desperation
Blown away by the wind
Of agony and rejection
Sailing in the ocean of broken dreams
Tired, dead tired of living
Can you tell why a gulp of air
Is still worth-taking?

some random poem I made ages ago when  I was so depressed xD 

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Magician’s Nephew

Title: The Magician’s Nephew
Author: C.S. Lewis
Genre: Christian Lit., Children’s Fantasy
My Rating:  ★★★★

How would you want to delve into a different world from ours filled with such great wonders and then come home  as you please after your tale-gripping adventure,  nuzzle with your pillow thinking tomorrow you’re going to have it again or maybe much more? All you need are 2 different rings and you’re set.

The Magician’s Nephew is a prequel of the series The Chronicles of Narnia. It begins with Uncle Andrew’s experiment with his magic rings causing  Digory and Polly to be lost in a world far too distant and exciting all the same from ours. Then there how it all begins; how the witch came into being, the founding of Narnia and how it connects to our world.